[Discuss] Data visualization with D3.js

admin admin at bclug.ca
Mon Jun 27 04:53:18 EDT 2022

Any interest on this list for an online discussion of data visualization 
/ animated charting?

I was asked to put something together for a talk on D3.js, and I could 
easily give it to BCLUG via Zoom / Jitsi / etc.

We've all seen D3 graphs, whether stock market tracking, Covid infection 
rates, etc.

Here's some links to some galleries:

 > https://observablehq.com/@d3/gallery
 > https://observablehq.com/@d3/world-tour
 > https://www.jasondavies.com/maps/zoom/

So... anyone interested in getting together online for a discussion and 
learning some basics on how to implement this kind of stuff?

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